MEMBERSHIP & ANNUAL DUES: New members are required to complete and submit an application, sign a waiver, and pay $15.00 Dues (dues are not prorated). A “Welcome Letter” is delivered to new members.
TEACHER/INSTRUCTOR: These individuals are contracted by the CCPC Board and approved by the PCHOA. When Teacher/Instructors are in the classroom, members are required to pay a class fee to cover the cost of any assistance/instruction provided. A portion of this class fee is also paid to the PCHOA.
COMMENTS/ISSUES: The process for handling any Ceramics Club issues are as follows:
Member submits their comments/issues into the Comments/Issues Box located in the classroom that will be monitored by a Teacher/Instructor or Board Member weekly for action.
If the problem cannot be handled within the Club, then the CAC Administration or lastly, the PCHOA would be the final step.
CERAMIC SUPPLIES: The Teacher/Instructor and/or Board-approved member are the only individuals that are authorized to sell supplies and receive cash/check payments. When $50 has been spent on greenware/bisque purchases, the Teacher/Instructor will sign off for a free firing.
FIRINGS: Only Teacher/Instructor or Board-approved member can sign off on firing slips. There is a 2-week window that members should anticipate for firings. This allows time to fill kilns for the most efficient and effective firings. Special firings may require more time. If a member has a special request for firings, they can try to arrange with the teacher. Firings can only be completed with properly completed firing slips.
KILN ROOM: Only Teacher/Instructor, Board-approved Monitor or Member are allowed in the kiln room. This is due to liability issues.
WORKSHOPS: Periodically special workshops may be conducted. These workshops are offered for fees separate from regular classroom fees and are based on the project being presented.
FEES: Fees can be paid by cash or check ONLY. Checks are made payable to CCPC. They can include:
Annual Membership Dues.
Class Fee (paid any time a teacher is present to conduct instruction).
Firings (20% for first firing; 10% for additional firings) based on original cost of piece.
Workshops (based on project).
RESIDENT VISITORS (GUESTS): PCHOA guidelines state “Resident Visitors over the age of 17 must have a Guest Card in their possession to use any PebbleCreek facility… The Resident being visited may procure Guest Card(s) for their visitor(s) at either Eagle’s Nest or Tuscany Fall Resident & Guest Services.” Guests are required to check in at the Gallery with a guest pass and sign a waiver. Guests who attend while a Teacher/Instructor or monitor is present will pay the classroom and instructor usage fee.